We love our town with our beautiful spring/summer months, and mild winters, but the fog and rain can make it seem like the winter months drag on and on. For tips at home that can help you improve your blues, check out the the attached link below "Boost Your Energy With Natural Light".
Grow it! Rosemary:
Use it: Tea made from a thumb-sized piece has been known to lift spirits in people suffering from SAD (and hangovers too ;) ). Infuse warm red wine with rosemary, cinnamon and cloves to soother winter colds. From www.organicgardening.com
If you're one of the many folks who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), this is a great ariticle from Houzz.com. Lifting your spiritcs can be as easy as opening your blinds first thing in the morning, moving furniture in your home closer to windows, and taking a few moments to just look outside. Check it out! Click "Boost Your Energy with Natural Light".